
I'm Brandon Smith, a programmer in Austin, Texas. More about me.


Beware of Async/Await


Can you spot the problem with this piece of code?

async function getPeople() {
  const members = await fetch("/members");
  const nonMembers = await fetch("/non-members");

  return members.concat(nonMembers);

Take a minute to look. Code just like this probably exists in more JavaScript codebases than not. Sometimes it flies right under the nose of people who know better, myself included. In fact a case where I made this mistake was what prompted me to write this post in the first place.

I'll give you a hint. Here's what it looks like without async/await syntax:

function getPeople() {
  return fetch("/members")
    .then(members => fetch("/non-members")
      .then(nonMembers => members.concat(nonMembers)))

Do you see it now? It was actually tricky to even write this version, because this mistake is so hard to make without async/await.

Here's what the above looks like in the network log: Staggered waterfall

We've taken two independent, asynchronous tasks, and put them into a sequence. This function takes twice as long as it needs to.

Here's what it should be:

async function getPeople() {
  const members = fetch("/members");
  const nonMembers = fetch("/non-members");
  const both = await Promise.all([ members, nonMembers ]);

  return both[0].concat(both[1]);

Or, without async/await:

function getPeople() {
  const members = fetch("/members");
  const nonMembers = fetch("/non-members");

  return Promise.all([ members, nonMembers ])
          .then(both => both[0].concat(both[1]));

And here's what that looks like: Parallel waterfall

Easy mistakes #

Take note how much more complicated the "bad" version was when written as plain promises. The Promises API encourages parallelism, and gets clunky when you need to put things in sequence. Async/await largely arose as a solution for when you do need things to happen in sequence, like when you need to feed the output of one request into the next as a parameter. And it does arguably make both cases at least a little cleaner. But importantly, it inverts them, making the sequential flow easier than the parallel flow.

Even if you understand the Promises code that the syntax ends up translating to, it's easy to fall into this trap. If you don't already understand Promises and what exactly async/await is really doing, even more so.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that async/await are "bad" (or perhaps, "considered harmful"). Especially in languages that don't have a reasonable API like Promises, or do have other restrictions around closures that make them less trivial to use, async/await can make code much more readable overall.

But they do come with a pretty large pitfall. Both the strength and the weakness of the syntax is that it allows us to take asynchronous things and pretend they're sequential again. Our brains have an easier time reasoning about sequential processes.

But I think it's a shame that the easiest and clearest way to write something with async/await is, more often than not, wrong. And wrong in a subtle way that may never be noticed, because it only affects performance, not correctness.

I'm a big believer in languages and libraries that make it easy to do the thing that's usually right, and hard to do the thing that's usually wrong. That said, I don't have a proposal for how async/await could have been done differently. I just regret the way things turned out.

But at the very least, I think it's increasingly important - as more and more languages adopt this syntax - that people are aware of how it can easily be misused.

Mitigating the problem #

If you're ever not sure how your code is behaving, look at the waterfall graph and see if you might have an easy opportunity to make your application much faster.

You can also use this rule of thumb: If an awaited function call doesn't use the result from another awaited function call (or something derived from the result), you should use Promise.all() to make them happen at the same time.